Industries We Serve
Haelan Group was born out of the increasing demand to help the leaders of organizations realign their processes, people, and systems to increase revenue and reduce costs, creating reliable and manageable operations. To provide a Customer experience surpassing expectations.

We help our clients:
- Improve quality & safety: Projects focus on reducing acquired conditions during patient stays, improving clinical outcomes and reducing the length of stay, and successfully transitioning the Patient home or to the next site of care to minimize readmissions
- Increase access, capacity & throughput: Supporting the transition from Inpatient to Outpatient care requires significant increases in capacity in ambulatory care and supporting areas to create improved Patient access and greater throughput. Servicing more Patients with the same level of resources reduces the cost per statistic and increases revenue
- Improve Patient experience: Gone are the days of myopically focusing on Patient Satisfaction during a single care encounter, being superseded by examining the end-to-end Patient experience from the need to end of care across and within encounters
- Embed Performance Improvement: Sometimes, it’s just better to learn to lead change internally. Haelan has a wealth of experience from hundreds of organizations in embedding PI Programs. From developing the needed leadership and infrastructure to identifying projects and people to lead them to pass across the needed skills to perform