Leadership Development

Haelan Group is renowned for developing leadership competence across a broad repertoire centered around bringing transformational change. We use simple, proven methods to change the way leaders think for good.
All training, coaching, and mentoring are customized to the audience, either by industry, specialty, or their actual organizational examples and terminology.
"Turning common sense into common practice..."
Built on a strong foundation of a proprietary Balanced Scorecard approach or Hoshin planning.
Areas of Focus
Executive: Leadership skills necessary to develop and characterize a Strategy and Strategic Plan and to oversee their execution.
Board of Trustees: Supporting skills necessary to guide and support leadership in the development of strategy. Cascading strategy upwards from the Executive Team.
Strategy Management Office: Preparation for key leaders to steer, track and manage strategy cascade and execution. Includes portfolio and program management, communication planning and cascade, metric development, and personnel performance management.
Process Owner: Development for manager of staff across the organization. Prepares the manager for helping to drive the strategy and engage in its execution in their area.
Staff: Awareness for all employees on the strategy itself, along with how the strategic program and projects work, along with how to get involved in that change.

Change Leadership
Built on a strong foundation of an integrated Lean and Six Sigma (Lean Sigma) approach, proven over hundreds of deployments and thousands of projects.
Areas of Focus
Executive: Leader skills necessary for the critical role of Champion in effectively sponsoring a change program and individual change projects.
Steering Team: Preparation for key leaders to steer their performance improvement program. Additionally, focus on personnel and financial support to a program.
Project Leader: Change project leadership for part-time (Green Belt) and full-time resources (Black Belt). It gives participants the technical and change management skills required to deliver lasting performance improvement.
Project Team Member: Preparation for staff to be productive members of a change project (Yellow Belt).
Process Owner: Development for manager of staff in the target area of a process improvement. Prepares the manager for helping to drive the changes identified and sustain the gains using Performance Management.
Staff: Awareness (White Belt) for all employees on how the change program and projects work, along with how to identify opportunities and get involved in change.
Performance Management
Built on a strong foundation of an integrated Lean and Six Sigma (Lean Sigma) approach, proven over hundreds of deployments and thousands of projects.
Areas of Focus
Executive: Leader skills necessary for the critical role of Champion in effectively sponsoring a performance management program and individual standardization projects.
Steering Team: Preparation for key leaders to steer a performance management program and how to integrate it with change and strategy execution programs.
Project Leader: Standardization project leadership for part-time (Green Belt) and full-time resources (Black Belt). It gives participants the technical and change management skills required to deliver stabilized processes and performance.
Project Team Member: Preparation for staff to be productive members of a standardization project (Yellow Belt).
Process Owner: Development for manager of staff in the target area of process standardization. Prepares the manager for helping to drive Performance Management.
Staff: Awareness (White Belt) for all employees on how the Performance Management program and projects work, along with how to identify opportunities and get involved in projects.

Innovation & Design
Built on a strong foundation of an integrated Lean Design and Marketing/ Design for Six Sigma approach, proven over dozens of deployments and thousands of projects. Customized variants include discrete manufactured products (widgets), chemical/pharmaceutical, and service design.
Areas of Focus
Executive: Leader skills necessary for the critical role of Champion in effectively sponsoring a design program and individual design/development projects.
Design Steering Team: Preparation for key leaders to steer a design program and embed Lean DFSS principles, tools, and practices. Additionally, focus on portfolio management and product/service platforms.
Project Leader: Design/development project leadership for part-time (Green Belt) resources such as Manufacturing Technologists and full-time resources (Black Belt), such as R&D Engineers or Chemists. It gives participants the technical and change management skills required to understand market, capture, and structure Voice of Customer (VOC), design the product/service, and ramp up into volume production /delivery.
Project Team Member: Preparation for Marketing / R&D or Operations staff to be a productive member of a design/development project (Yellow Belt).